Optimal application of self-controlled study designs to study drug safety


Observational study designs are commonly used to study the effectiveness and safety of medications. However, conventional observational study designs including cohort study and case-control study design are vulnerable to confounding due to the systematic health differences between-person. Advanced self-controlled study designs such as self-controlled case series and case-crossover study designs can eliminate between-person confounding as the rates of outcomes are compared between different risk periods within an individual. I will introduce the features of self-controlled designs and provide examples of her work applying self-controlled study designs, including novel design to study adverse events of individual drugs and drug-drug interactions. (Dr Angel Wong)

今回は、ロンドン大学 (London School of Hygiene and Tropial Medicine)のAngel Wong先生をお招きし、自己対照研究デザインを中心に講演いただきます。Angel Wong先生は香港出身で、香港および英国のリアルワールドデータに自己対照研究デザインを適用し、BMJ (BMJ. 2016;352:h6926. )やJAMA Internal Medicine (JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(6):828-34.)などの雑誌に論文を発表されています。本講演では、自己対照研究デザインの基本的な使い方に加え、自己対照研究における実薬対照(active comparator)の設定(Int J Epidemiol. 2023;52(3):899-907. )や、薬物間相互作用(drug-drug interaction)の検討への応用など、最先端のトピックについてお話いただきます。是非ご参加ください。(座長:岩上将夫)


岩上 将夫
筑波大学 医学医療系ヘルスサービスリサーチ分野 准教授


Angel Wong
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


岩上 将夫

筑波大学医学医療系ヘルスサービスリサーチ分野(准教授)、London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Honorary Assistant Professor)、筑波大学国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構 (学内連携PI)
2008年 東京大学医学部医学科卒。東京大学医学部附属病院や徳洲会湘南鎌倉総合病院にて内科研修後、東京大学大学院公共健康医学専攻(公衆衛生学修士課程)、英国留学(London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 疫学修士課程、博士課程)を経て、2018年より筑波大学に着任、2022年より現職。専門は内科学、薬剤疫学、臨床疫学。
社会医学系指導医、日本臨床疫学会上席専門家、日本内科学会認定内科医。国際薬剤疫学会誌「Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety」 Associate Editor、国際腎臓学会誌「Kidney International」 Editorial Board member。
著書に「医薬品に関する臨床系論文の読み方 ランダム化比較試験からリアルワールドデータ研究まで」、「膨大な医学論文から最適な情報に最短でたどり着くテクニック」、「超絶解説 医学論文の難解な統計手法が手に取るようにわかる本」など。

Angel Wong

Dr Angel Wong is an Assistant Professor and the deputy director of the Centre of Global Chronic Conditions at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her main research area is pharmacoepidemiology, focusing on the use of different study designs and methodologies. She is one of the organisers of the certificate course of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance and a member of OpenSAFELY platform to conduct COVID-19 research. She is currently using United Kingdom Clinical Practice Research Datalink and Hong Kong clinical data to study drug-drug interactions. She is also currently collaborating with the University of Tsukuba to study effects of extreme temperature on antipsychotics.